„We know what we do, and we do what we know!”
We have specialised in communication and process consultancy. The HEITZIG & HEITZIG company group combines a variety of fields such as strategic consulting (HEITZIG & HEITZIG Partnergesellschaft partnership), project management (3H Value GmbH), and publishing (3H Value Verlag) alongside numerous participations in fields such as communication design, photography, video, 3D, event management, and market research.
Successful companies require three essentials:
work processes
So we know how and why which process does what it does. Without overstating the issue, what are commonly referred to as “organic structures” do not usually engender performance. Optimisations helps run processes more efficiently.
financial processes
Acting within financial constraints is essential towards remaining in operation as a going concern; staying on the market is inordinately challenging without solid financial underpinnings.
communication processes
Staff, shareholders, customers, suppliers, capital markets and everyone else a company has to deal with all require focused and coordinated communication – no enterprise can rise to its full potential with poor communications.
other points:
| Senior management consulting services
| Internal argumentation basis
| Boosting business agility by networking partners on the market
| Studies on commission
Work processes
„Efficient processes drive economic success.”
Analysing business processes, such as in retail, paves the way for efficiently designed processes with a decisive impact on key performance indicators, achieving long-term savings in personnel costs while increasing capacity and improving customer satisfaction.
We launched our flagship project – Efficiency for Retailers – in 2008, and we now have one of the largest benchmark databases in Europe to provide transparency at point of sale with our eMATRIX barometer.

Financial processes
"Financial processes need a solid foundation."
Successful companies always have solid financial underpinnings; our thorough economic know-how gives us a quick understanding of financial structures towards pinpointing inefficient financial processes. Seamless and continuous monitoring at every stage in the export financing process is one example. Cash flows need to match up in time and position while keeping a close eye on the many international rules dominating financial markets. Contracts need to be negotiated while keeping the interests of all international stakeholders in mind.
We have intensive, reliable connections to export financing organisations such as HERMES in Germany and EXIM Bank in the US alongside a variety of export financing banks and the private insurance market, and several decades of experience in export finance –
expertise that sets us clearly apart from the competition. We use our combination of experience and market connections to tap into significant potentials for increasing efficiency for our customers. Our partner offices in Frankfurt am Main and New York put us right there where the world’s major financial markets are.
Our export finance activities are pooled in 3H Value GmbH.

Communication processes
„You can’t not communicate.”
Efficiency is important in communication matters, but communications strategy often only focuses on effectiveness rather than efficiency – and this is where we come into the picture. However large or small the budget, any customer will achieve more with efficient use of funds in relation to the objectives. Our capabilities include the classical communication consulting and implementation support.
We have all the necessary skills and tools to provide full-package services within the group; we also have powerful connections across specialisations.
- Consulting and coaching for decision-makers
- Defining key messages
- Developing communications strategies
- Tracking communications
- Classical PR
- Corporate design guidelines
- Implementing projects in print and online
- Implementation in events
- Implementation in video and TV
- Publishing services